sphinx regression test

Download Sphinx-4 1.0 Beta Free - A.
Some other ways to execute the regression tests depend on what platform the tests are being. Last updated on Feb 14, 2009. Created using Sphinx 0.6.
Regression tests results — Sailfish.
... it is difficult to characterize the performance and accuracy of Sphinx-4 with just a few simple numbers such as speed and accuracy. Instead, we regularly run regression tests on.
Sphinx-4 Setup on Eclipse
... Sphinx-4 as a release package, a nightly build, or directly from the Subversion (SVN) repository. The CVS repository, even though still active, is kept mainly for regression test.
Sphinx-4 - A speech recognizer written.
Sphinx-4 is a state-of-the-art speech recognition system written entirely in the. sphinx4-{version}-src.zip: provides the sources, documentation, demos, unit tests and regression.
SourceForge.net: CMU Sphinx: Topic:.
Worked on regression test and refacotring. Busy. Nov 26th, 2004 11:26 a.m. Update of some progress on Sphinx 3 and also Sphinx 2: We spent most of the time last month in speed up.
2 nd Progress Meeting For Sphinx 3.6 Development
Sphinx-4 is a state-of-the-art speech recognition system written entirely in the. sphinx4-{version}-src.zip: provides the sources, documentation, demos, unit tests and regression.
smoke.sh - sphinxsearch. Sphinx search.
... it is difficult to characterize the performance and accuracy of Sphinx-4 with just a few simple numbers such as speed and accuracy. Instead, we regularly run regression tests on.
Installing Sphinx | Chatter
... sigh* Bug is listed here: http://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/ sphinx/issue/524/intersphinx-corrupt-objectsinv-due-to-zlib-issue-on A patch is not too hard, but a regression test is.
Sphinx4 « djnetworkZ
Sphinx-4 contains a number of regression tests using common speech databases. Again, you have to download the source distribution or downloaded the source tree using.
regarding the sphinx4 an4 regression.
Specifying a single regression test (python. test.regrtest test_spam) will minimize output. Last updated on Jul 17, 2011. Found a bug? Created using Sphinx 0.6.7.
... such, it is difficult to characterize the performance and accuracy of Sphinx-4 with just a few simple numbers such as speed and accuracy. Instead, we regularly run regression tests.
CMU Sphinx 4: A Good Speech Recognition.
19 Feb 2011 - rm -rf build/* rm -rf tools/ sphinx rm -rf tools/pygments rm -rf tools/jinja2 rm -rf tools/docutils Checking out Sphinx... svn: PROPFIND request failed...
Free sphinx Download
Sphinx search engine. cd ./ test: php ubertest.php t. test --strict 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "$BANNER: regression suite failed"; exit 1; }
25.5. testRegression tests package for.
* Running the Regression Tests Sphinx-4 contains a number of regression tests using common speech databases. Again, you have to download the source distribution or downloaded the.
Download Sphinx-4 1.0 - Free Software.
This page describes the available regression tests, how to set them up if you have the data, and the length of time to run each test. The page also describes the current weekly.