javascript ie test

IE CSS Attribute Selectors.
Test User Agent Pass/Fail and Notes; Control: abbr is styled? Internet Explorer 7.0: Pass: abbr is styled: Internet Explorer 6.0: Fail: abbr not styled: Internet Explorer 5.5
test for ie or netscape. JavaScript /.
☀SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark. This is SunSpider, a JavaScript benchmark. This benchmark tests the core JavaScript language only, not the DOM or other browser APIs.
web. Javascript test for IE Text Size.
28.08.2006 · Internet Explorer Test Center. Computer science » Blog Archive » Optimizing Javascript in Internet Explorer
Test Conditional Comments in IE
test. Get JavaScript / Ajax / DHTML help on on BYTES.. Bonjour à Azerty <> qui nous a écrit :[color=blue] > test[/color]
Javascript test for IE Text Size (EG.
abbr is styled with simple createElement() JavaScript fix? Simply adding the following to the head: <script type="text/ javascript"> document.createElement("abbr") </script>
Test for Internet Explorer in JavaScript.
02.09.2008 · Google's Chrome trounces Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on speed tests for JavaScript, a key foundation for rich Web apps. But Google picked the benchmarks.
Speed test: Google Chrome beats Firefox,.
This is probably a great classic... but I can't find where it is here... Working with javascript, I need to know if the page is running under Internet Explorer or Firefox: I will.
test. JavaScript / Ajax / DHTML
Javascript bug hunt in Internet Explorer: Firebug Lite. I have been using the firebug extension of Mozilla Firefox for a while to debug my javascript applications.
Enabling JavaScript for Internet Explorer.
But if I use firefox, firefox will display test.txt content, instead of running the javascript. For IE, is this as designed? or is there any workaround to let IE display test.
How to test Javascript ? (HTML and.
I have seen some codes that can test for the browser and give values accordingly. I tried to read the FAQ, but was unable to find a simple version of
internet explorer. javascript void(0).
powered graphics and compiled JavaScript.. ACID3 Results | Selectors Test | IE Testing Center. Protection Lists | See what’s possible with Internet Explorer 9
SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark
... ASP.NET Forums › General ASP.NET › HTML, CSS and JavaScriptIE - How to test for multiple versions?
OnChange Javascript. IE vs Firefox
What are the steps involved from entering a web site address to the page being displayed on the browser?
WebKit SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark.
Do you test your applications under multiple browser settings? Do you use test tools that tell you why your site might be problematic?
Javascript test for Mozilla Firefox or.
IE8 RC1 bug about changing href with javascript in IE Beta: IE8 RC1 bug about changing href with javascript in IE Beta IE Bug a@bc document.getElementById(' test').href.